General/Fun Articles

25 Fun and Surprising Facts About the World Around Us

From the quirky to the fascinating, the world is full of strange and wonderful phenomena that are waiting to be explored. In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to uncover 25 fun and surprising facts that will leave you amazed and wondering at the intricacies of the world around us.

Science and Technology

  1. Butterflies taste with their feet. Yes, you read that right! Butterflies have tiny sensors on their feet that help them detect the sweetness or bitterness of a substance, which guides them in their search for nectar-rich flowers.

  2. You’re more likely to get bit by a snake on a Friday. According to a study, there’s an increased risk of snake bites occurring on Fridays in certain parts of the world, possibly due to the fact that many people engage in outdoor activities on weekends, increasing their exposure to snakes.

  3. Elephants have the longest pregnancies. It takes approximately 22 months (almost 2 years) for an elephant to give birth, making their pregnancies the longest of any animal on Earth.

Nature and Wildlife

  1. There are more trees in the Amazon than stars in the Milky Way. The Amazon rainforest is home to an estimated 390 billion trees, whereas the Milky Way galaxy contains an estimated 100-400 billion stars.

  2. Cows have best friends. Research has shown that cows form close bonds with other cows, often even preferring to socialize with them over food and other cows they don’t get along with.

  3. Insects are attracted to certain music. Scientists have discovered that some insects, including bees and mosquitoes, are more likely to fly towards certain musical frequencies, particularly those with higher pitches.

History and Culture

  1. The shortest war in history was between Britain and Zanzibar on August 27, 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after just 38 minutes, making this the shortest conflict in recorded history.

  2. The world’s largest waterfall, by volume, is underwater. Located in the Denmark Strait between Iceland and Greenland, the waterfall is a staggering 100,000 cubic meters per second!

  3. Cats have been associated with gods. In ancient Egyptian mythology, cats were revered as sacred animals, associated with the goddess Bastet, who protected the pharaohs and kept evil spirits away.

Geography and Physics

  1. The world’s largest waterfall is not visible to the naked eye. Located beneath the ice shelves of Antarctica, the waterfall flows from the Weddell Sea to the coastal ice shelf at a rate of 300 meters per second (approximately 932 feet per second).

  2. The highest waterfall in the world is actually under the ocean. Located in Papua New Guinea, the waterfall cascades down from the island’s interior to the ocean floor.

  3. Humans can hear sound waves from Mars. Although these sounds are faint and inaudible to the human ear, scientists have successfully detected and interpreted the vibrations and hums caused by Marsquakes and winds on the red planet.

Food and Entertainment

  1. The world’s largest pizza was over 6,000 meters long. Yes, you read that right – a whopping 6,143.62 meters (20,175.27 feet) long!

  2. The longest recipe in the world is over 3,300 pages long. Written by German chef August Zang in the 18th century, this massive tome features over 8,000 different recipes.

  3. The oldest known song in the world dates back to ancient Mesopotamia. Inscribed on clay tablets around 4000 BC, the hymn-like songs were written in cuneiform script and celebrated the god Marduk.


  1. The world’s largest collection of airsickness bags belongs to one man. Alvis Bowman Jr. from Iowa, USA, has amassed a staggering 6,142 unique airsickness bags from around the world.

  2. The shortest verse in the Bible is in John 1:1 and reads, "In the beginning was the Word." It takes up a total of two Greek words, translated as "the Word" – logos.

  3. The most expensive book ever sold is an ancient copy of the Gutenburg Bible, worth $40 million.

And there you have it – 25 fun and surprising facts about the world around us. Whether you’re interested in science, nature, culture, or more, there’s always something fascinating to discover in this incredible place we call home.

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